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Britney Spears Live from Las Vegas(2001)

Britney Spears Live from Las Vegas

评分:9.1 / 地区:美国/ 片长: 导演:Marty Callner / 热度:13983℃
类型:/ 语言:英语 编剧:
主演: Britney Spears/Skip Dorsey/Jon Voight

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Britney Spears Live from Las Vegas影评

 Britney Spears performs her first live, full-length television concert from the MGM Grand in Las Vegas. This no-holds-barred performance breaks new boundaries in the superstar singer's skyrocketing career,



Dream within a dream. 昨天看见热搜不胜唏嘘。小甜甜永远是我心中唯一的金发甜心,不论过了多少年,想到她第一个反应就是《Baby one more time》开头她敲着笔等下课的样子。这场演唱会里她在钢琴伴奏下唱着“I am not a girl,not yet a woman”,真是一场太美好的留念。


彻底转型之前的过渡期,not A girl not yet a woman的探索期,又甜美又性感。hello Miss American Dream.


从舞台效果、乐队、伴舞到观众都很优秀,布兰妮身材真好,笑起来好甜——这是一种让乐迷看了会感到幸福的笑。 一个少女偶像,有活力有情感,少女怀春的年纪,渴望自由和爱情、玩乐和勇气,出道就是火遍全球的状态,有很多想法,被关注得多,被过度解读得也多——这是关注率所必然带来的。 PS:演唱会极度政治正确,比如黑人白人配,穿国旗衣服,和给国家军人献礼。

Britney Spears Live from Las Vegas完整版剧情介绍

Britney Spears performs her first live, full-length television concert from the MGM Grand in Las Vegas. This no-holds-barred performance breaks new boundaries in the superstar singer's skyrocketing career, and features all-new songs from her new album Britney as well as many of her greatest hits.