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Inside the Actors Studio-Natalie Portman

Inside the Actors Studio-Natalie Portman

评分:8.2 / 地区:USA/ 片长: 导演: / 热度:8166℃
类型:/ 语言:english 编剧:
主演: James Lipton/Natalie Portman

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Inside the Actors Studio-Natalie Portman影评

"I don't mean to criticize anyone in any way that I wouldn't criticize myself...Our job as actors is empathy...I just think it's an important thing to engage in the world. And it's just too easy not to in our society."

2004.11.21 Natalie.Portman - 独生子女,哈佛心理学毕业,父亲以色列人?父亲的父母又是混血......从她的笑觉得应该是个直率的人,说裘德洛是不需要做什么就能吸引人,嘻嘻


越来越对访谈感兴趣了。访谈里Natalie给我的感觉真不一样,她特别而自然的笑声(虽然在那么一瞬间我居然想起老友记里的JEANNIS=。=)让我想起‘不设防的开阔’的表达。"I just think it's an important thing to engage in the world, it's just too easy not to in our society"

doing things you don't think you can do and doing things that scare you



Her voice is ...bit childlike.可以唱甜歌儿


born Natalie Hershlag....another straight A student!!!

subtitle free viersion! practising english listening yeah!

harvard,leo,woody,this girl is lucky

Inside the Actors Studio-Natalie Portman完整版剧情介绍

Inside the Actors Studio,Season 11, Episode 7