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好莱坞女孩 第一季(2006)

好莱坞女孩 第一季

评分:7.2 / 地区:美国/ 片长: 导演:Adam Divello / 热度:332℃
类型:剧情/ 语言:英语 编剧:Paramount/MTV
主演: 劳伦·康拉德/Brian Drolet/Jennifer Howie

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好莱坞女孩 第一季影评



很好看 美中不足是没有找到字幕版 完全靠蒙看下来。。。

only watched a little

好莱坞女孩 第一季剧情介绍

  Follow Lauren to LA as she attempts to balance a demanding internship at Teen Vogue and a full course load with a demanding nightlife and a full social calendar. But at least she won’t have to do it alone. Along the way she meets several friends who expose her to a different part of the city, each chasing their own dreams. The Hills tells the story of four young women on their own for the first time and the fun, laughter and drama that they all share.